A teacher helps her student take blood pressure of another student

Nursing SIM Lab


Creating Highly Skilled Nurses

Nursing students gain confidence and skills at the Sim Lab.

Give to the Nursing SIM lab

A teacher helps her student do CPR on a doll

“Practice makes perfect” is a commonly used phrase to describe the art of doing something so frequently that you become skillful at it. CSUN nursing students know the phrase well as they have the benefit of practicing their skills at the Nursing Simulation Laboratory (Sim Lab), the closest thing to working on real patients. At the Sim Lab, real-world hospital scenarios are simulated using computerized mannequins that can be programmed to display a variety of medical symptoms. Students use the mannequins to train without the fear of hurting someone.

The Sim Lab is a realistic and risk-free environment for students to learn from their mistakes, ask questions and increase confidence. The interaction with mannequins combined with immediate feedback from faculty and classmates enhances the learning experience and helps produce safer and more efficient nurses. The lab can be used to simulate a variety of working conditions including an emergency room, ICU, or surgical suite.

Your support increases the capacity of the Sim Lab to train more students so they can gain the clinical reasoning skills needed to best react to patients in the field. Support also expands the lab to include new state-of-the-art virtual reality equipment for advanced simulations and training, enhanced technology and the acquisition of additional mannequins.