Boosting timely degree completion
Guiding students’ pathway to graduation
Give to Enhanced Academic Advising

CSUN is proud to enroll a large and diverse student body who graduate prepared to lead in the complex and diverse contexts of the Los Angeles region and beyond. Many students have overcome extraordinary circumstantial, social and economic barriers to become a Matador. Too often, those barriers diminish and even extinguish their ability to complete a college degree.
Philanthropic support and other direct student assistance not only quickens their pace, it lifts their vision of what the future holds. Part of CSUN’s commitment to its students is providing assistance through academic support services that assist timely degree completion.
Academic advising helps students achieve their academic and professional goals by connecting them to faculty in their area of concentration as well as other campus resources and services that augment their education. These connections stimulate and guide students’ curriculum and overall experience at CSUN while ensuring their future career objectives are being met.
Your gift aids students’ progress throughout their college career, supporting them on the pathway to graduation.