students walk and talk in front of the business college

Nazarian College Study Abroad Program


Preparing global leaders

Exposing students to new cultures broadens their view of the world.

Give to the Study Abroad Program

a student studies at a desk

Visiting China was the first time Hayden Warlick (an economics/marketing major who graduated in December 2019) had been out of the country. It won’t be his last. As an economics student, Hayden was already interested in learning more about China as it related to his academic studies. What he didn’t realize was that it would ignite a passion for travel and a thirst for seeing the rest of the world.

Study abroad programs change lives, expand knowledge of the world around us, and prepare students to solve the world’s toughest challenges and compete in the 21st century workforce. Study abroad students return with new insights and a deeper understanding of the world.

About 20 students in the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics traveled to Shanghai, China, on a faculty-led trip to learn about the Chinese business environment and culture. CSUN faculty partnered with faculty from Sanda University in Shanghai, China, to expose students from each university to their business community. This was the first study abroad trip for the Nazarian College.

“The biggest benefit of the trip for me was learning about Chinese culture,” Hayden said. “It’s important in business to understand the subtle nuances in communication, and the more exposure I can get from individuals outside of my country, especially as China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the better I can communicate with people of varying backgrounds.”

Like Hayden, many CSUN students have never travelled abroad, lacking the financial resources to do so. Trip expenses were significantly underwritten by the Nazarian College for each participating student and the two participating faculty members.

Help create engaged global citizens and future business leaders with a gift to support the Nazarian Study Aboard program. Your gift allows the program to support at least 200 students a year in multiple locations and provides international transportation, passports and visa costs, housing, food, visits to local businesses and faculty compensation.

Your gift expands perspectives and prepares students for the global marketplace.