The Power to Be You
Showing all members of the CSUN community respect, value and inclusivity.
Give to The Pride Center

The transition from high school to college can be challenging for students, but for LGBTQ students, it can be particularly difficult. According to a 2015 survey by the Association of American Universities, three in four LGBTQ college students reported having experienced sexual harassment at least once, and 20 percent of LGBTQ college students feared for their physical safety due to their gender identity or their perceived sexual orientation.
CSUN and the Division of Student Affairs are committed to providing a learning environment where every student is valued and where diversity enhances the quality of the educational experience. To this end, the Division of Student Affairs has established a friendly and welcoming space for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) and questioning students, faculty and staff at the Pride Center.
The Pride Center offers a wide variety of programming and educational outreach to improve the campus climate and advocate for the safety and respect of all LGBTQ individuals. Moreover, it gives students a safe space on campus to share their experiences, discuss topics facing the LGBTQ community, get information and connect with other students and peer counselors.
Peer Mentors are also available to support students in their personal journeys and academic interests. Peer Mentors are trained to speak to students in a variety of topics, including coming out, internalized homophobia, bisexuality and pansexuality, transgender awareness and suicide and risk assessment.
Private funding for the Pride Center expands programming and allows the center to secure well-known speakers and artists. It also provides funds for students to attend LGBTQ conferences and Queer Leadership Camp, a bi-annual community building event for LGBTQ+ leaders on campus. Your gift also supports scholarships and emergency funding for LGBTQ+ students experiencing homelessness and/or financial hardship.
College should be a place where students feel safe, supported and respected. Strengthen the CSUN community with a gift to the Pride Center. Every student deserves a safe place to “Be You.”